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Service Management

Rethinking Small Water Supply

Management of smaller supplies is becoming harder, faced with multiple difficulties including the influence of topographic conditions, dispersed properties within the service area, and utility revenue reduction because of population decline.
Their sustainable management would require a thorough review of current operational and management status and to heighten its efficiency in terms of individual facilities as well as a network of system.
JWRC is working with a model water utility to propose cost-effective water supply methods better suited to smaller supplies. 

PI-based* Analysis Tools

* "PI" means Performance Indicators

With aging infrastructure, utility revenue reduction from population decline and chronic shortage of young staff members, water utilities, particularly those of smaller size, are required to increase their operational and management efficiency.
JWRC supports smaller water utilities through provision of PI-based analysis tools and by offering proposals for improvement based on the analysis of their service.


International Comparison of Water Supply Services

Information about how certain water utilities are operated can be a good reference for others.
JWRC is studying service management of economically developed countries to offer useful information to domestic utilities.
In this study, we are also aiming to make Japanese water supply services known to more people outside of Japan, trying to be a point of reference for foreign policymakers and operators interested in Japanese water supplies.

Water Treatment and Water Quality Management

Asset Management and Facility Renewal

Utility Management

Environmental Protection


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